You have the ability to experience growth, ease, pleasure, and vibrancy in your daily life. Together, we will reinforce your biology and nervous system's naturally arising support and resources available moment-to-moment. Over time with these exercises, your body and mind will be able to process and release stress effortlessly and you will enjoy healthy human pleasure more and more often.
Exercise 5: Body Listening
"It's also helpful to realize that this very body that we have, that's sitting right here right now... with its aches and it pleasures... is exactly what we need to be fully human, fully awake, fully alive." Pema Chodron
Sometimes, the quiet whispers are the most accurate ones. The voices of pride and ego and attraction are louder, but they are often devoid of the fullness of truth. Listen for the quiet yes, for what gently sprouts, for what grows, and grows.” Brianna West negativity bias: the unconscious way our attention is captured by what is "wrong" and less aware of what is calming, organizing, connected, and supportive.
Most people in modern times have not had the support or encouragement to learn the language of the body. The body's communication system is intelligent, complex, self-healing, and subtle but if we have ignored these qualities, you might struggle to connect to the whispering wisdom. If you know how to pay attention to the more abrupt and disruptive signals it's likely a negativity bias has developed around your body which makes it challenging to hear the signals of resource and resilience that your body is insistently sending. There is always hope to recover the sweet sounds of your body's whispers so that you can join back into responsive relationship with the needs of your biology.
Body scans are a helpful practice on the journey of joining in kind and responsive relationship with your body. When you commit to honoring the relationship with your body you can make slow and steady progress by listening the signals being sent by different zones of your body. Increasing awareness of the sensations (or absence of sensations) in various body parts supports your ability to map your physical cues and build confidence in sensation as a reliable support in navigating your life. |
I have found the following audios and resources helpful in continuing to deepen in this practice:
Yoga Nidra
Deep Rest
Yoga Nidra
Deep Rest